How Soon Can I Get a Massage After Having Covid, a Cold or Flu?

Updated Sickness and Recovery Policies. "Sickness Sharing Season" for covid, flus and colds has come early this year! And this small summer covid surge seems likely to roll into the normal back-to-school cold and flu season. So, I’ve updated my sickness policy for clarity - namely, to answer your questions about how soon you can get a massage after having covid, flus or colds.

Main takeaways: wait 10 days after recovery, and cancel or reschedule BEFORE your appointment to avoid costly mistakes.

Reschedule Without Penalty, If You Meet Any of  The Following Conditions: 

  • You have been sick in the past 10 days 

    • Colds & flu: no symptoms for 10 days 

    • Covid: no symptoms, and no positive tests for 10 days 

  • You have been sick, and it’s less than 14 days from symptom onset. 

  • You have been in contact with anyone diagnosed with covid in the past 14 days. (Yes, this means people living in your house.)

  • You have a fever or cold symptoms.

Full Payment Is Due. If you wait until you are on the massage table to say that you’ve recently had covid and don’t meet these requirements, your massage will be stopped & full payment is due.


Why is this policy stricter than some others? 

  • Massage is not casual contact. 

  • It’s common to rebound after a negative covid test. 

  • It’s common to get false negatives on covid tests, so flus and colds are lumped into the covid policy. 

  • My own immune system is sluggish, and I need to be at 100% physical capacity to do my job. It takes weeks for me to recover from others’ small colds.

This policy will be shown to you multiple times during the booking process: it’s on the website under policies, it’s shown to you at the time of booking, it’s in your confirmation email, and also in your appointment reminder email. There will also be a posted sign in the massage studio, at least through the winter cold and flu season.

I sympathize with wanting to get back to normal and to feel good in your body as soon as possible, but not at the risk of anyone else’s health. Thanks for understanding, and for helping me to provide a safe and healthy environment for everyone in the massage studio!